Saturday, September 3, 2011

Attack the Block (2011)

After reading numerous positive reviews about Attack the Block, I HAD to see it. The concept behind it just made me giddy (for lack of a better term) and it didn't hurt that nearly everyone was saying it was amazing. Oh yeah and it had Nick Frost in it, which is rarely a bad thing (save for Paul). Did it live up to the hype? Well, yes and no.

The movie starts out with a group of British hooligans (the same group that later become our heroes) robbing a poor lady of her money and valuables.  They knock her down trying to get her ring when something falls from the sky and hits a car next to them.  They investigate the thing that hit the car and see that its a small alien/creature, which abruptly attacks them.  This causes them to savagely beat, and ultimately kill, the creature. After doing this, they start bragging about it and showing off the alien carcass.  Shortly, they notice more beams of light falling from the sky and realize that it is much larger and deadlier creatures landing on their block.

The story is meh, they incorporate some different side elements here and there with the leader of the gangs childhood & a ruthless drug dealer, but the main draw of the story is aliens attacking a block and some hooligans fighting them.  Thats definitely not a bad thing, and easily the best part of the movie.

I will say that throughout most of the beginning, I wasn't impressed. There were some pretty comedic moments (as is throughout the rest of the movie) and acting was great, but it wasn't enough things happening to set it apart from being just "generic." The creatures themselves are pretty cool, but CG, except for a few scenes, and I loathe CG.  The CG is handled well though, and just looks "slightly" cartoonish at moments.

I don't want what I have said thus far in the review to detract you from seeing this film though, because the film did start to kick into gear a little more about half way through.  We got to see more action, and more variety in the story.  Also, we get to see more of these 2 little boys (which are hands down my favorite part of the movie) who want nothing more than to be big boy gang members and fight aliens.  They were hilarious and really made the movie for me.  I also have to mention Nick Frost.  He is in top form here and is pretty damn funny.

This movie shouldn't be taken too seriously.  I actually thought it was a kids/family type movie, but it definitely isn't. It's just a fun throwback movie for adults.  There is some gore, adult themes, and a lot of pot, and its used to good effect.

This movie didn't live up to the hype in my opinion, but it definitely wasn't bad.  Its a fun movie that has its ups and downs but shouldn't be dismissed.  Just pop it in and check out for about an hour and a half. Mindless fun that is just slightly above average.  Let the flaming begin.

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