Friday, August 19, 2011

Final Destination 5 (2011)

Back in 2000, a little unknown film by the name of "Final Destination" hit theaters.  I remember seeing trailers and being slightly confused by what was killing off the teenagers but I knew I HAD to see it because it had Devon Sawa in it and I loved Idle Hands, which starred him as well. Anyways, I was only about 15 at the time, so I didn't have the luxury of heading to the theater whenever I wanted, so alas, I waited til it was on video.  When it came out on video, I immediately rented it.  I remember be amazed by how every little thing could kill someone and loving the "set up" of the kills. The movie had a dark tone, but tiny splashes of black comedy in the mix.  Needless to say, I loved it.  Then upon hearing of a sequel, I got both excited and nervous.  Such a great movie couldn't produce a worthy sequel could it? Well 2002 came and I was floored.  Final Destination 2 was, in my opinion, leagues better than the first.  It brought a smart sense of choreography to the kills that I had never seen in a movie before.  I tried to figure out in my mind just how the kill was going to happen, and pretty much everytime I was wrong.  It brought more of the black comedy in and still kept the dark tone.  I loved every minute of it.  Then came 3 & 4.  Both horrendous movies made to cash in and obviously just to make quick money off the franchise.  I thought the series was dead. Then to my surprise, a couple weeks ago I saw a trailer for Final Destination 5.  It looked interesting, but my expectations were extremely low after the abysmal 3 & 4.  Needless to say, I broke down and saw it.  Thank God I did.  This movie was awesome.  It is nothing like 3 & 4 which is a blessing.  It fits right in with the original & part 2.  Its got the character development, dark tone, and black comedy I had came to love.  Not being a fan of 3D, I actually enjoyed the 3D in this movie.  It was well done, but not OVER done. The opening sequence makes great use of the Real D experience by tossing numerous objects (poles, knives, a body, fake appendages) at the screen, thus giving the visual of breaking glass coming toward the audience.  The movie is fun, and for the most part moves at a good, steady pace with little slowdown.  Now to the part you have probably heard something about, the ending. I'm NOT going to give anything away, as this is probably the main reason I loved this movie.  It floored me and surprised me in a way hardly any movie has ever done (except for probably Sleepaway Camp).  You won't be disappointed. See this movie, don't wait until its on Bluray/DVD. It deserves to be seen on the big screen.  Here's hoping we see a Final Destination 6!


  1. I've never though a horror flick could make cry tears of happiness. However, that all changed when I seen the ending of this movie. I still get goosebumps thinking about how awesome it was!

  2. Agreed. Such a great turn around to a, in my opinion, failing franchise.
