Monday, August 22, 2011

Pontypool (2008)

Wow, what a refreshing twist on the infection/epidemic genre.  Shot entirely inside a radio station with primarily a cast of only 4 people, Pontypool is about a zombie like virus spreading thru the Canadian town of Pontypool via spoken English language. As the virus spreads alarmingly, three workers at the local radio station must try to find a solution before the virulent hoards get in and finish them off.  If I am going to mention the term "zombie," I have to mention what kind of zombie.  I would compare the zombies in this movie to the infected/zombies of 28 days later and the crazies.  Pontypool will not be for every zombie/virus based movie fan. It's true to say that it has intelligence and a boldness to try something different from the norm, and is high on suspense and genuine moments of pulse racing.  I for one found the movie to be terrifying in certain parts, considering the movies portrays the event very realistically. The acting is above par and the cinematography is absolutely beautiful. There were admittedly parts that kind of drug along, but they were few and far between.  I honestly do not know how I missed this movie back in 2008.  I believe it is a fantastic movie with a great new twist that I have never seen before. I recommend everyone check it out.


  1. Glad you enjoyed it, hoss! I need ro re-watch it myself. :)

  2. It's one of my favourite movies in the genre. I agree with the moments of terror that are phonically depicted as opposed to visually. Such a fresh take makes it a movie that you cannot avoid if you love the genre.
